A Sonic Festival Remembering Kelly Churko (1977–2014)
2024.1.12〜14 (3 Days: Fri–Sun)
at ochiai soup
【DAY 2: 2024.01.13 (Sat)】
OPEN/START 18:00/18:30
2,500yen (incl. 1 drink)
– Nobuki Nishiyama + 布山陽介 | Yousuke Fuyama
– FACIALMESS + BLACKPHONE666 [Prototype23]
– La Belle Biologie (Les Belles Noiseuses + Biology of the Future)
– Concierto De La Familia
– Yasunobu Suzuki + Government Alpha
plus contributions by:
– Chris Goudreau (Sickness)
– Dave Skipper
DJ: Ebatee
and more?
■Kelly Churko (1977–2014)
幼少の頃からクラシック・ピアノと音楽理論を学びながら、カナダ全土にわたって彼の家族とともにカントリー・ミュージックを演奏。90年代後半にはバンクーバー・コミュニティ・カレッジでジャズ・ギターを学び、このとき、Almost Transparent BlueやHospitalなどのバンドをスタートさせている。
これまでにHospital (w/ Ben Wilson, Masa Anzai, Chris Kelly)、Ossuary (w/外山明、伊藤啓太)、Almost Transparent Blue (w/ Masa Anzai, Skye Brooks)、AKBK、Lethal Firetrap、King Goblin、JUGEM (w/シマジマサヒコ、 SACHI-A)、Palimpsest (w/ Cal Lyall)、Nikka-sen (w/ 田畑満、Cal Lyall、山本達久)、Toque (w/ Tim Olive)、Fujii Satoko Orchestraほかで演奏。また、ライヴおよびレコーディングで、Government Alpha、ASTRO、Zbigniew Karkowski、Bastard Noise、Ilios、Paal Nilssen-Love、Jason Mears、Harris Eisenstadtとコラボレート。さらに、田村夏樹、本田珠也、かわいしのぶ、岩見継吾、池澤龍作、かみむら泰一、松本健一、中村賢治、安藤暁彦、斉藤 “社長” 良一などの日本の即興演奏家と定期的に演奏を続けてきていた。
Guitarist, composer, sound artist and mastering engineer, Kelly Churko was born in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan on August 18, 1977. While studying classical piano and theory in his childhood, Kelly travelled extensively throughout Canada with his family band playing country music. While studying jazz guitar at Vancouver Community College in the late 90s, he started the bands Almost Transparent Blue and Hospital. He moved to Tokyo shortly after, where he soon gained a reputation as one of the most versatile and sought-after collaborators in the Tokyo underground.
Kelly was a proponent of challenging musical forms that transcended genre, and had a gift for complexity that was punctuated by a deeper interest and understanding of mathematics, physics and philosophy. He made an indelible mark on a worldwide community of musicians through his selfless support for the sonic arts, coupled with a fearless vision for the music and our place in it. He leaves behind a demanding and diverse body of work which we are all still catching up with.
Kelly played in Hospital (w/ Ben Wilson, Masa Anzai, Chris Kelly), Ossuary (w/ Sotoyama Akira, Ito Keita), Almost Transparent Blue (w/ Masa Anzai, Skye Brooks), AKBK, Lethal Firetrap (w/ Guilty Connector), King Goblin, JUGEM (w/ Masahico Shimaji, SACHI-A), Palimpsest (w/ Cal Lyall), Nikka-sen (w/ Tabata Mitsuru, Cal Lyall, Yamamoto Tatsuhisa), Toque (w/ Tim Olive), Fujii Satoko Orchestra and more. He also has collaborated live or on recording with Government Alpha, ASTRO, Zbigniew Karkowski, Bastard Noise, Ilios, Paal Nilssen-Love, Jason Mears, Harris Eisenstadt, and played regularly with Japanese improvisers including Tamura Natsuki, Honda Tamaya, Kawai Shinobu, Iwami Keigo, Ikezawa Ryusaku, Kamimura Taiichi, Matsumoto Kenichi, Nakamura Kenji, Ando Akihiko, Saito “Shacho” Ryoichi and many, many more.