2014.03.15. (Sat) “Cris X Japan Tour 2014”

“Cris X Japan Tour 2014”
2014.03.15. (Sat)
at ochiai soup
open 19:00 / start 19:30
entrance fee 2.000yen

◆Cris X (from Italy)
◆ASTRO (Hiroshi Hasegawa+Rohco)

Lighting: liquidbiupil


■CRIS X / Cristiano Luciani
クリスティアーノ・ルチアーニ:1976年イタリア・ローマ生。Academie of Fine Arts of Romeにて絵画専攻。1999年以降インプロバイザー、サウンド・ビジュアルアーティストとして活動。ローマとベルリン在住。彼の作品はヨーロッパ、イギリス、日本、中国、南米などで展示されている。2010年にはCX Recordsを創立。MERZBOW、KK NULLの作品をリリースしている。

Cristiano Luciani was born in Rome, Italy, in the 1976. He is a sound and visual artist and he works and lives in Rome (Italy) and Berlin (Germany). Cris X’s solo project exploring the synthesis of composition and improvisation and Its music moving from electronics and noise to expressionist ambient and musique concrète. He composed and performed music for theatre productions, contemporary ballet and live film scorings, along with the soundtracks of his own video production. His visual and sound artwork has been exhibited in different contexts and festivals throughout Europe, United Kingdom, Japan, China and South America.
He has collaborated and played with musicians and artists from different cultures and art scenes as Merzbow/Masami Akita, KK Null/Kazuyuki Kishino, MB/Maurizio Bianchi, Phil Minton, Tristan Horsinger, Sachiko, Michiko Hirayama, Hamayoko/Yoko Higashi, Gene Coleman, Eugene Chadbourne, Torturing nurse among others. In the 2010 he created the experimental label CX Records which concentrates on the release and publishing of his own musical/video works and collaborations.