2012.05.11 (Fri) elsie else soup 3
at ochiai soup
19:30 – 23:00
1,500yen + 1 drink order
Boring Machine
■Boring Machine (France, Tokyo)
Semi-improvised electronic music made with toys, gameboys, loopers and more.
Often melodic and drony, sometimes noisy, almost always layered and evolutive.
■unii (japan)
Sound artist,singer songwriter.
1st album" new world,sea and your eyes"released from elegantdisc (Japan) september 2011.In the album, She makes all tracks,mixing and recording.Unii’s sound are very unique,pop and avant-garde.
It make us feel the sea of electronic sound.
ゆに。サウンドアーティスト、シンガーソングライター。1stアルバム『ニュー世界、海と 君の瞳」を2011年9月にエレガントディスクよりリリース。全ての楽曲の制作、ミックス、録音を手がける。ゆにのサウンドはユニークで、ポップかつアヴァンギャルド。彼女の楽曲は電子音の海を思わさせる。
■~1escV? un escargot vide ? (世界)
Across sound and live drawing performance, ~1escV? would like to mix his two creative universes in order to compose a kind of sensitive travel to the audience.
Using soundscape, electronic melodies and colorful lines, he would like to invite the viewers to construct their own narrative experience according to present imaginary tales and personal past history.