White Fungus # 14 Tokyo
2015.03.14 (Sat)
at ochiai soup
台湾を拠点にするアート/メディア・マガジン及びイベント・コレクティヴであるWhite Fungusが日本初上陸!
*free magazine with entry.
*ご入場いただいた方にWhite Fungsのマガジン最新号を無料で配布いたします。本雑誌は世界でどこよりも早くこのイベントで手に取ることができます。
*early bird discount: 1500yen
KK Null
Betty Apple (Taiwan)
Noise Steve (Taiwan)
Yousuke Fukama
Kaya Hanasaki
WHITE FUNGUS is about to release its 14th issue with an event at SOUP in Tokyo, March 14.
To celebrate its new issue, White Fungus is hosting a collision course of Japan and Taiwan noise. The event will feature Japanese artists KK Null, Yousuke Fukama and Kaya Hanasaki; and Taiwanese artists Betty Apple and Noise Steve.
The genesis of the new issue of White Fungus lies partly in a magazine residency undertaken at Kadist Art Foundation in San Francisco and contains strong coverage of the Bay Area, including an article by Marcella Faustini about Scott Arford and a history of the area’s noise and experimental music scene. The new issue also features an interview with Mexican art phenom Abraham Cruzvillegas, who has just taken on one of the world’s most prestigious contemporary art commissions, filling Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall. Nicola Trezzi (US editor of Flash Art) talks to Einat Amir about her social and art interventions. The issue contains an interview with rapidly rising art star Simon Denny, who has an upcoming solo exhibition at PS1 MoMA, and whose work has recently been acquired by MoMA in New York. London-based art critic Kyra Kordoski writes about Kari Altmann who recently created work for Serpentine Gallery’s exhibition Extinction Marathon.
As readers have come to expect, the new issue of White Fungus contains in-depth music coverage. Editor Ron Hanson interviews Stephen O’Malley of Sunn O))) about his music and recent installation work. Renowned Beijing music critic Yan Jun writes about Taipei noise / performance artist Dawang Yingfan. Tobias Fischer interviews Berlin musician Schneider TM about his recent trip to Africa; Sydney music critic Alistair Noble writes about Wang Fujui, the godfather of Taiwan’s experimental music scene; while New York music critic Kurt Gottschalk posits weird new theories about Bay Area underground music legends the Residents, who recently celebrated their 40th anniversary.
White Fungus was started as an art stunt on a photocopier by the brothers Ron Hanson and Mark Hanson in Wellington New Zealand in 2004. Copies of the first issue were wrapped in Christmas paper and hurled anonymously through the entrances of businesses throughout the city. The fledgling rag has persistently evolved form low-fi zine, to artist publication, to globally distributed powerhouse arts and culture magazine. In 2012, White Fungus featured in the exhibition Millennium Magazines at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. Now based in Taiwan, White Fungus is your mainline line on-the-ground source of art happenings throughout Asia, but has its tentacles spread-out across the globe.
As the spores of White Fungus have been released, its creators look forward to seeing which way the wind blows.
■KK Null

■Betty Apple (Taiwan)

■Noise Steve (Taiwan)

■Yousuke Fukama

■Kaya Hanasaki